
Work together: RUSTLab mit Femke Snelting (01.02.2024)

Counter Cloud Imaginaries

The expansionist, extractivist and financialized modes of The Cloud deeply affect our aesthetics, how we organise, and care for resources. Now our dependency on The Cloud seems intractable, it is time to imagine different infrastructures for collective life with and without computation. Counter Cloud Imaginaries center trans*feminist and anti-colonial server practices and organise collectively towards joyful, systemic techno-political change.

15. Januar 2024
Work together: RUSTLab mit Femke Snelting

Der Vortrag ist auch Teil der RUSTLab Lectures am RUSTLab der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Bildnachweis: Andrea Ferrario (2019) https://unsplash.com/de/fotos/weisse-und-schwarze-wolken-tegnIx9SGe0