
Work togehther: New Reading Scenes (27./28.02.2025)

On Machine Reading and Reading Machine Learning Research

The workshop will take place on the 27th and 28th of February in the Collaboration Space GB 8|129 (Ruhr University Bochum). With Alex Bostroff (Kenyon College, US), Deanna Cachoian-Schanz (University of Pennsilvania, US), Alex Campolo (Durham University, UK), Christoph Engemann (Ruhr University Bochum), N. Katherine Hayles (Duke University), Moritz Hiller (Bauhaus Universität Weimar), Rainer Mühlhoff (Universität Osnabrück) and Florian Sprenger (Ruhr University Bochum). This workshop is organized by the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) in cooperation with the CRC 1567 »Virtual Lifeworlds«. It is designed and coordinated by Katia Schwerzmann.

16. Januar 2024
Work together: New Reading Scenes

Reading has undergone dramatic transformations over the past few decades. Media and literary theorist N. Katherine Hayles has discussed how forms of reading, modes of attention, and even neurological architecture are heavily influenced by the medium of reading—on screen vs. on print—and its media-specific features such as layout, typography, and the presence of hyperlinks (Hayles 2012; 2021). Under »machine reading,« Hayles refers to machines’ ability to process vast amounts of text and uncover patterns that would be imperceptible to a human reader. Additionally, the ability to search for keywords in digital texts facilitates a form of »distant reading,« enabling readers to engage with texts in new ways by adopting abstract, visual, quantifying approaches (Moretti 2013; Jänicke et al. 2015).

Recently, literary scholar Julika Griem has proposed to analyze what she calls »reading scenes,« where the practice of reading is explicitly thematized in literary texts and visual media. This media reflexivity enables us to analyze the changing forms, valuations, and norms assigned to reading as a cultural practice (Griem 2021). Griem’s approach asks us to attend to the technical, social, and cultural contexts of the practice of reading in addition to its cognitive dimensions.

The emergence of large language models has transformed modes of reading and introduced new forms of attention and valuations. Traditional reading methods such as “close reading” that relies on an inquisitive and cautious analysis of a short passage—a reading that pays attention to the formal and rhetorical dimension of a piece of text—competes with automated tools that establish the relevance of the components of a text through the statistical weighing of its constitutive elements. The shifts in reading raise a series of critical questions:

Find more information here.

Photo credits (Teaser/Thumbnail): AbsolutVision (2018): https://unsplash.com/de/fotos/grunes-violettes-und-weisses-textil--XnURgeV0Xk.