
Scientific Knowledge Production, Planetary Resource & Data Centres

Nine one-hour lectures over three weeks: Mondays, Wednesdays, Friday

The past years, we have seen fascinating and important studies coming up in Critical Data Studies, Media Studies and Science & Technology Studies on data centres and their oftentimes destructive environmental impacts due to vast energy and water consumption. We have also seen important studies on data practices in science, and how the value of data changes in research and reshapes scientific knowledge production. However, rarely are studies of data centres and attention to planetary resources brought together with research on scientific knowledge production and scientific data practices. What are the material impacts of scientific datapractices on the planet? In what ways are data centres related to planetary resources and scientific knowledge production? How can we think about IT infrastructures as both epistemic and planetary? How do we as scholars deal with and conceptualise our knowledge production as a material and planetary factor?

15. Februar 2023

In this online workshop series, we have gathered key scholars of the three fields for short, intense, and frequent discussions on planetary resources, data centres and scientific knowledge production. Over three weeks, we will meet online every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 16 hrs CET to share concerns, ideas, concepts, empirical findings, political statements, and good laughs.

Photo by Dion Beetso on Unsplash


For the full program and the Zoom link, please see: https://rustlab.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/across_layers/ – No need for registration. For any inquiries, please send us an e-mail to RUSTlab@rub.de

The running online workshop series is organised in collaboration between the Collaborative Research Centre “Virtual Lifeworlds”, the researchproject “Virtual Infrastructures” and the RUST-lab at the Ruhr-University Bochum by Leman Çelik, Stefan Laser, Estrid Sørensen and Lynn Werner.